Sleep Lesson from my 8 Year Old


Sleep Lesson from my 8 Year Old

I have to share this amazing sleep tip from my kid!


(Side note: Let me say we do prioritize sleep in the household, but we don’t follow every perfect sleep hygiene prescription because, well, we’re human people. But we do have a nighttime routine and a regular waketime even on weekends! I have a sleep hygiene handout for clients that I really like and you’re welcome to use it if you like – find it here.)


Back to my kids: here is what she told me, completely unprompted:

“Can I tell you how I put myself to sleep? (Yes, of course!) First, I lay down  comfortably. Then I yawn. If I don’t feel like yawning, I do it anyway and then it becomes a real yawn. Then I close my eyes. Then I find the place in my body that feels the warmest and I think about it until the warmth goes to the rest of my body and then it’s relaxed and then I’m asleep.”

What an awesome technique!! I told her I would share it with the therapy world and also with clients who might be helped by it. So, there you go. 



Comment below: Any favorite sleep strategies that you use or teach to clients?


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