Great Books Volume 2: Indispensable “Psychology” Books

Book List Volume 2: “Psychology” Books

Ok, I promised a follow-up post about great books by primary authors. There are too many to just do one additional post, so this one will be focused on “psychology” proper. These aren’t the most useful books, maybe, for psychotherapy, but they’re outrageously important in terms of fundamental psychological knowledge. Enjoy!


  • Beyond the Pleasure Principle (Sigmund Freud)
  • Psychopathology of Everyday Life (Sigmund Freud)
  • Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious (Carl Jung)
  • Principles of Psychology Volumes I and II (William James)
  • Games People Play (Eric Berne)
  • Theory of Human Motivation (Abraham Maslow)
  • Beyond Freedom and Dignity (BF Skinner)
  • The Making and Breaking of Attachments (John Bowlby)
  • The Neurotic Personality of Our Time (Karen Horney)
  • Mind: A Journey to the Heart of Being Human (Dan Siegel)
  • Change: The Principles of Problem Formation (Paul Watzlawick)
  • The Lucifer Effect (Philip Zimbardo)

I have a bunch more books I’d like to list, because I think they’ll be amazing. But I’ll practice what I preach: NEVER recommend a book you haven’t read. More to come!

Comment if there’s a book you think I missed for this post! Or if you have ever recommended a book to a client that you haven’t read and it came back to bite you! Haha!





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