Emotions for Engineers Part II

Emotions for Engineers – Part II

I first addressed the issue of “emotion for engineers” (or for “traditionally raised men,” or for “thinking types,” etc.) here. I recently had the opportunity to expand this concept into a “flow chart for emotion regulation,” prompted by one of my favorite clients saying, “Can you say that all again, but use steps?” So, here is what I came up with. It emphasizes the need for time between a stimulus and response (rather than a quick reaction) and it pairs nicely with a discussion of how you wouldn’t implement a new project or budget at work on a whim. 

I even gave it an acronym (by client request!): DEER

Define, Evaluate, Express, Respond. Check it out here: Emotion Regulation Process

(As always, free to use, please don’t sell.) 

Comment below: How are some ways that you talk about emotions with people who aren’t already well-versed in emotions?